Linked In & Twitter

Game Changers Linked In and Twitter changed their rules. The nature of the relationship changed. Used to be, one fed the other. Now the other is feeding the one. Here’s the deal, as it relates to me. Nothing changed. I structure my online relationships, the wiggly bits that talk to each other, I follow a Linked In & Twitter

Nerd Commentary

This one, it’s true, for me. JetPack and WordPress When asked, I still recommend WordPress as the best available website engine. To me, it’s simple to set up. Easy to use. Imports most common formats, and exports content (1). WordPress is search engine friendly, being one secret that’s not so secret anymore. WordPress is open Nerd Commentary

SEO Tools

Search Engine Optimization suggestions? Just a general comment, not real long. A link from a link, got me on web page that advertised itself as some type of SEO Tools. The short script measured the ratio of text to code and spit out a number that meant something, presumably higher or lower was good. The SEO Tools