Foyle’s Books

Hardy Boys

Foyle’s Books

Foyle’s Books — Thought I had images. Apparently not. Just a single passing reference, in situ, as it were.

Sort of in London, someplace, I’m sure I can look it up on the web, but why ruin the mystery? It was tucked away in the vaguely claustrophobic old city streets.

When I was last there, been more than a decade, so this is excavating memories, but the place wasn’t “computerized.” There wasn’t a running index of where books were, by topic or author, and there was a huge number of the then-British only imprint, Penguin.

Perfect for browsing in that serendipitous way that leads to great discoveries, albeit inadvertent.

Foyle’s Books

My books are available at Nature’s Treasures in Austin, Eagles Nest in San Antonio, and online.