Book 7


Book 7, 73/4. First seen here

“You’ve given aid and they’ve received it. And yet, like an idiot, you keep holding out for more to be credited with a Good Deed, to be repaid in kind. Why?”

Ὅταν σὺ εὖ πεποιηκὼς ᾖς καὶ ἄλλος εὖ πεπονθώς, τί ἐπιζητεῖς τρίτον παρὰ ταῦτα, ὥσπερ οἱ μωροί, τὸ καὶ δόξαι εὖ πεποιηκέναι ἢ τὸ ἀμοιβῆς τυχεῖν;

  1. When you have done well to another person and another has fared well at your hands, why go on like a fool to look for a third thing besides, that is, the credit also of having done well or a return for the same?”

Marcus Aurelius (meditations)



Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius

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