Books, Publishing and the Web

Books, Publishing and the Web
It’s all about Books, Publishing and the Web. The starting point was an older, think this was a repeat, post that’s here.

Take-away points? “Platform.” Didn’t set out to have a “platform,” but inadvertently wound up with one. Then, too, the question of “self-publish” versus “real publisher,” what I’ve seen, the real publisher is better only in very limited situations.

What I found more unsettling, actually disturbed me, the short notice that, “Staff recommends” selection, like, at your closest Barnes and Noble? The “staff picks” might be paid placement.

“How’s that work?”
Books — are now available in Austin, at Nature’s Treasures. See listings for details and location.

Odd Bit:
Nice to know our schools are safe from truancy.

Odd connection? That’s a British news portal.