New Horoscopes with a Baptist Image

The New Horoscopes are up! “Never invite trouble; she always accepts.” The new scopes should arrive with no impact from Hurricane Sandy. (First Baptist Church, TorC, NM.)

Mercury Meditations

I have a special treat. It’s an mp3 audio file, the first portion, about ten minutes, of “Mercury Retrograde Begone” meditational music. It’s buried in the horoscopes. We were talking, the other weekend, and I had yet to hear him perform, or, for that matter really sample any of his music. There’s some online, for Mercury Meditations


Ironic bumper stickers? The big four-by truck, sticker read, “No Socialism.” Truck was tagged BP Solar and the sun logo, because, after all, they’re not just into oil. The local solar array is heavily subsidized by government funding. Ah yes, is it liberal — or conservative — do as I say, not as I do? Ironical