

When beggars die there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.

Julius Ceaser (II.ii.31-2)

Astrological significance of the comet? According to the lore, and that is the passage right before the one about cowards, albeit a much more famous and oft-quoted line, and it’s the wife, warning the husband not to go out. You know, a comet as a portent of bad?

By my own reckoning, that comet came in at a late degree of Cancer, 27º (ish), and my reckoning isn’t always as exact as one would like.

  • Hint: not fact checked this weekend.

Buddy from the the Left Coast sent in a few images, so the copyright on the photos belong to him. I just reduced the size to make available for the web. His digitally-delivered, big-format, long-exposure images are just way better. Thanks, man.

What it means?

That comet popped in at a strange place, consider the position of the New Moon in Cancer, exactly opposite from (retrograde) Saturn in Capricorn. To me, that makes the point in the sky a ticklish point. Not like, in general, things aren’t dicey as is.

No, that’s not it.

Comets are chunks of outer space debris that go hurtling along a weird course. Quite often, it’s nothing more than a big ball of ice, or what would we think of as ice, frozen solids. One of the asteroids used in some predictive work? Good enough example, it’s nothing more than an old comet core that got trapped into an orbit, stuck between “inner” and “outer” planets, sort of a bridge to the generational planets.
Last time I saw a comet with my naked eye? It was giant smudge in the Northern Lights, far afield in Alaska.

Observed, what a comet’s astrological influence is? It tends to highlight a section of the sky that needs, for a brief time, some kind of cosmic underlining. Maybe it’s a way the Universe can get out a big, old yellow highlighter and mark up a certain passage.


When I was trying to learn to read Shakespeare aloud, one trick I would employ was a thin, red pen to make sure I got emphasis in the correct place. My script would be all marked up, the printed out passage I was hoping to properly read aloud. As noted before, I won’t be doing any Shakespeare on stage, much less aloud.

This particular comet addresses that point where the New Moon, the tail-end of Saturn in Capricorn, and message the last few years has been fervently driving towards. The question being, is that message getting through to the people who need to understand it?

Awash in media, online, digital, even newspapers, although, print media itself to a lesser extent, wading through that morass of images, news clips, sound bites, fake news, real news, and making some effort to get a grip on what it all really means?

Instead of thinking about last week, week before? This is about the last two, three years, what got us where we are, and what that means in a larger sense.

Where were we before the pandemic? Where did we want to be? What can we do now to get there, from here, even with current restriction? That’s what the comet is about.


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