Freak Flag

Freak Flag

Missed Pride Month. Missed Juneteenth, a uniquely Texas celebration? Missed the Black Lives Matter deal.

With a slightly older — currently outdated — version of the software I tend to favor these days, there used to be an easy way to change the headers of the various sites. Then, as an adjunct to that idea, I used to own a piece of graphic software that was perfect for manipulating images — just for headers, footers, and various web graphic add-ons. End-of Life, or updated out of existence (now dead software).

I figure — no matter the cause — I should show some support, even if it isn’t a cause that I’m totally on board with, I should be supportive, correct?

Equal rights, total non-discrimination, yeah, I was raised with an understanding we should always fight for the rights of others. Or something like that.

I still remember a particular Virgo, “Keep Austin weird? Kramer, you’re leading the parade.”

I tend to not take a public stance on most matters. I am quite through with being a lightening rod for this or that cause. I have issues. I support the downtrodden and the disenfranchised. I’ll stand with them, as need be. But I’m too old to be much use in protest. Besides, if I were to fly a particular flag, other than the state flag? I would want to change that with the days.

Too much effort,
too little reward.

If there was flag, though, probably a rainbow flag. Or pink? I don’t know, sort of whichever way the wind blows at any given time.

The banners became too onerous to change, unwieldy, more because I’m lazier, not because I can’t do it, but I can’t be bothered. Too much trouble wherein the expense in time doesn’t generate a revenue or rate of return — even an emotional fulfillment — that matters, now.

I am all in favor of protest and flying whatever flag needs to be flown. Just me? Probably not as much, not anymore.

Pink Cake: The Quote Collection – Kramer Wetzel

Pink Cake

Pink Cake: A Commonplace Book

  • ISBN-10: 1434805751
  • ISBN-13: 978-1434805751

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