Structures and Archives

Thoth Wheel of Fortune

Structures and Archives

See recent Libra Horoscope, “Do the tools shape the world, or does the work define the tools?”

Structures and Archives

As a perfect Mercury in Retrograde project? I’ve been trying to wrangle over 30 years of horoscopes into a single, usable format. I’m looking at Structures and Archives — a way to handle and safely store several decades of material.

The goal is portable, manageable, searchable, and indexed, hopefully, by date.

Structures and Archives

I don’t have an answer, but I’m guessing that a PDF, a universal PDF format would work, and I can squeeze maybe ten years into a single document, although, at one try, that was a little over a million words — in horoscopes alone.

I learn by looking back, and that’s how history teaches us.

the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde
There’s always the other version, as well.

Thoth Wheel of Fortune
