TexMex Rewind

TexMex Rewind

Exiting the parking place from Seton, just coming out and doing a right turn on N. Lamar? Headed south, passing the old memories.

I can’t recall every last one, but at some point, I was looking at an apartment in a cul-de-sac near there. While the basic topography is the same, much has changed in the ensuing years.

Funny, what sticks.

Solace and my tribe eventually drove me further south until I was on the other side of the river.

TexMex Rewind

It was one of the long string of blistering August afternoons, green goo, an algae, thick on the shores of the lake, glancing down while crossing that Lamar Street bridge. Looking for comfort food, and tentatively headed towards a Kerby Lane Cafe, as one of the last bastions of old Austin, such as it is. Kerby — that one — really straddles a border between old and new.

There’s abother local chain, such as it is, Maudie’s TexMex, and that made an arguably better destination.

Pulling in, the rest of the old neighborhood is paved over and mid-rise apartments, condos, and offices surround the place. Like an island and beacon, Maudie’s Too was still there. I’m unsure of the name, but I think it was the second of half-dozen locations. An old Pizza Hut, repurposed, in an artful way.

Walk in, and the din of a busy restaurant, the usual clang of pans, and voices roaring in the background, a ball game of some sort on TV, two bleary, beery drinkers at the diminutive bar itself, discussing sports, decimated TexMex platters in front of them.

TexMex Rewind

The place hasn’t changed. The menu is a little different, and prices are up, but relative to what I’ve seen? Not that much higher. I didn’t scour the offerings, but I couldn’t find the Strait Plate (named for retiring country singer, George Strait). What I remember, it was two or three cheese enchiladas covered in a tangy meat sauce, with a fried egg on top. Combine that with Maudie’s signature hot sauce, a full meal unto itself.

Looked like the decor hadn’t changed, menu was a little different, but not by much, and I seem to recall some of the same people.

As a centerpiece, the food, in all its glory, still dependable TexMex to rival any place. Comfort food. Comforting food. Tasty, greasy, perfect.

As for the the place itself, gently resisting the cancerous growth around it?

“I think they got new chairs.”

About the only change I noticed. Not even sure about that.

TexMex Rewind

Maudie’s Too, on South Lamar, still there, still stellar.
