Mercurial Mischief

The magician

Mercurial Mischief

Mercury in apparent retrograde motion, in Taurus, and meaning?

I dredged up an old deck of cards, a beloved Thoth deck with all three of the magicians in it, and here’s a favored one.

Obviously Mercury, with wings on his sandals, making him the messenger of the gods, and a caduceus as a central image.

That caduceus was central to Hermes, the Greek version of Mercury, arguably the first.

The magician


In his hands, though, sprouting from his shoulders, gripping various symbols, wands (fire), disks (earth), swords (air), and cups (water).

Associated with healing.

Be nice if that Hermes feller waved that wand of his around, and healed up some of this mercurial mischief.

Mercurial Mischief

If only there was a guide…

the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde