If Only

Kramer Wetzel

If Only?

If only? If only I was in the right place. If only I was in the right head space. If only the politics of the time were not so subversive. If only the politics of the time were not so limiting.

If Only?

If only I had the right tools.l If only I had the right equipment. If only I had the correct gear. If only this was the correct shade. If only the light was better. If only it was darker.

If Only?

If only if it was warmer. If only it was cooler.

If Only?

I started a story when things were not all right. I didn’t like the way it went, but I plunged ahead, and then the next day, started the same story, over again. Both will see the light of day, eventually. Sometime, maybe. But an ancillary thought was worrying me, and then, I realized this was message for more than one.

If Only?

There comes a time when waiting on the correct gear, the best time, the perfect planet alignment, when all conditions are just in concert with everything in one’s life?

Probably never happens. The trick to success? Pushing ahead even when things aren’t even close to perfect.

Bad, even.

Adversity is good agent of change.