Let Me Just Say This About That


Let Me Just Say This About That

“My father compounded with my mother under the Dragon’s tail, and my nativity was under Ursa Major, so that it follows, I am rough and lecherous.”

Edmund in King Lear (I.ii.58)

There are whole volumes of material written about “Karmic Astrology,” and the material usually depends heavily upon the nodes of the moon, the Dragon’s head and tail, in medieval terms.



Worthy of an undergraduate notation, I’ve observed this earlier, the bit about the astrology involved in Shakespeare’s King Lear.

Think, get in another UK reference, Stonehenge. As an observatory, a celestial observatory, it was useful for calculating the occurrences of eclipses. When the alignment was right — or wrong — it was able to predict the eclipse action.

So that’s the timing of the patterns used to establish much of what is written about karmic astrology, but then, there’s another notation, one from one of the authors I respect greatly, about karmic astrology is the refuge for those who don’t want verifiable results. Or something like that.

Let Me Just Say This About That

Each week and during weeks around eclipse action in the heavens? I treat these as serious events, but I accord them the same energy I give to similar events. Serious and influential, sure.


Call it what you want.

Let Me Just Say This About That

Partial Solar Eclipse April 30, 2022 10° Taurus.

Previously noted, February Eclipses. Lather Rinse Repeat?

Total Lunar Eclipse May 15/16, 2022 24° Taurus/Scorpio.

What it might mean? “Stay tuned for details!”

The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000-2050 at Midnight