All’s Well

Hardy Boys

All’s Well: A Novel

All’s Well

The appeal is that this was based on a Shakespeare play that is, at best, a problem play: All’s Well That Ends Well.

Seen it a few time, think I’ve got the straight to DVD version. Not sure, I’d have to look. Saw the book in the bookstore, critically acclaimed author , and the catch being it’s another one of her stories set against the backdrop of a college.

Since my “Shakespeare” material is strictly textual, or in performance (by others), my only understanding for the novel is that I like certain problem plays.

He puts his hand on mine.

“ ‘Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie which we ascribe to heaven.’ ” Act One, Scene One. Lines 218–219 from Helen’s soliloquy. Page 47.

All’s Well

All’s Well: A Novel