Astrology, Writing, and Math

Astrology, Writing, and Math

According to one way of thinking about this, “Designers should be taught business.”

Early education, from books, included a fictional character who maintained that poetry and quadratic equations were the same — and one should be adept at both.

    I’d offer bonus points for citing the author, as I’ve left clues all over the place, but I’m too tired to offer a substantial and worthy reward.

There is, however a valid point herein. The failure of education to create a rounded person is the problem. “Learn math,” or “Learn science,” or “Learn Shakespeare,” at the exclusion of the others, therein is the problem. “Learn business,” instead of learning about humanities?

The right person can grasp both, and that leads back to balance.

Another reason I like my day job, as I have to be adept at all of it.


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