

The Frequency that I send out an email to my subscirber list?

Two years ago, every subscriber got a note about the server change. Didn’t take long, much less time than the previous switch and the new server swap resulted in substantial savings.

Reliablity has been pretty good, over 99% uptime, sure. I mail horoscopes to the list on the average of once a week. That’s it.

On one marketer’s list, he was sending out an email, as I understood when I signed up, once a week. That was all. In the last year, I’ve sent out one e-mail per week. That’s it. No more. Once per week. Little less, as I forgot one week.

So the news hits the wires, roughly 50 times in a year. That’s not spammy, not over-reaching, and certainly not mail-box stuffing. Content to ad ratio? More than ninety percent (90%) content about the current astrology situation, and maybe a mention of the events and locations where I’m available in person. Or the new book, headed into production, some day. Still, less about sales and more about strict communication, with a valid “reply to” address.

Once a week. What prompted this thought was that the folks who put me on lists seemed to have stepped up frequency. Nope, once a week, all I can personally handle, and I think that’s fair. All about that Frequency.

(Web Hosting endorsement)


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