20 Years Ago

20 Years Ago

Throwback Thursday and 20 Years Ago. These go hand in-hand, together.

Moving has unearthed a treasure trove of forgotten images, this week’s offering being one. It has a back story, too, still available on the web.

All about SoCal, and adventures therein. Seriously, should be tied to Lyle Lovett’s album, “The Road to Endenada,” as that was part of the trip.

The Road to Ensenada – Lyle Lovett

I remember the Aquarius with vivid detail, and to this day, I’m pretty sure I’m one of the few astrologers who like Aquarians as much as my own types.

20 Years Ago

20 Years Ago

The rest of the details as mired in the sands times, almost, look at the picture, literally.

#Throwback Thursday