How to be Authentic

How to be Authentic

No, seriously, a short piece on How to be Authentic, as in Seven Steps to authenticity with Bill Murray.

I wonder about the need and desire for “authenticity,” as a buzzword, especially these days. I can’t not be me. I liked the Bill Murray guidelines, as there was certain resonance there. But I can’t be what I’m not.

I’m not sure I’m clear on concepts. I was perusing Will Self’s morbidly funny commentary on hipsters and lifestyle choices, then I flipped to an article about millenials not buying much stuff, the minimalist approach.

During the moments, I was paused in a mall Starbucks, tweeting an image of the first coffee cup that had my name spelled correctly.

Just how authentic am I?

The Grateful Dead sang about “A Box of Rain,” over the sound system.
