New Book Coming Soon

New Book Coming Soon: Drawer for Wishes

Drawer For Wishes — — new title, due out Nov. 17 at noon.

Stay tuned for details.

The collection will span at least two, maybe three websites, and will include some previously unreleased material. While technically not an astrology book, that material is infused within the work. For the astrological savvy, the clues are there. For the literate, a challenge, and for the rest of us? Good fun.

Get ready to pre-order, as this will be an Amazon-only book, at least, at first. It will be a “free” Kindle Select offering, at least, free for the first couple days. With no draconian DRM attached, it will also be easy to swap around from machine to machine. Eventually, the list price for the Kindle version will be 99 cents. It will be free for that initial run, so get lined up, get ready.

This is another collection of material, some old, some new, much refined, honed, and cleaned up a little. There’s at least one typo where the editor will lose the argument because I’m the author, and I have a right to assert my dominion over the domain of the material.

My stuff, the spelling sits as it is, with a bow to convention and editorial processes be damned.

New Book Coming Soon
Books — are now available in Austin, at Nature’s Treasures. See listings for details and location.

New Book Coming Soon:
Drawer for Wishes —
ISBN-13: 978-1491209271
ISBN-10: 1491209275

Drawer For Wishes

Partial Description:
Drawer For Wishes is walking compendium of miscellany spanning several productive years. It’s the odd bits of prose and posey that can’t find a home any place else. Partial digital ephemera with no solid foundation, it’s bits and pieces that wound up in a single drawer, a Drawer for Wishes.

Still in the final collection, collation, and curation process or production, the varied collection will amuse some, amaze others, and a few people might be pissed off.


It is set to be released as an Amazon Kindle Select, for free, Nov. 17…. The price will eventually go up for the digital copy to 99 cents.

Print-on-demand will be available after the first of the year — hopefully with a better cover than the tiny frame for the digital copy.

Pre-order begins shortly.