Readers and

Readers and
Over the years, I’ve “run my own server,” as it were, and like many, my routine online reading was upset when Google stopped their RSS aggregator. In my serendipitous way, I stumbled across more Readers and

miniflux dot net

While still in my early testing phase, for anyone who runs a site, or has a site, and wants an easy-to-install, easy to manage RSS reader? This is it.

Problem one: I stumbled across this when Mercury was retrograde, so I’m suspicious.

“Data is suspect,” as I would be inclined to say. However, the premise and promise is good. Installation was as easy as promised.

Previously, I’ve had a number of errors with my former favorite, “REEDER,” and then, as I ported all the feeds I follow over to Feedly, again, a promising-looking solution, the interaction between devices just doesn’t work correctly.

It’s a simple program, which is all I want. My feeds in one place. Does that. Doesn’t provide categories or striations and doesn’t make “recommendations,” which, frankly, are usually annoying since I have varied tastes.

I find a food site I like, I follow its feed. I find news I like, I follow the feed. Blog I like? You know the drill.

Back to the original answer, doesn’t matter what device I access it from, phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, data stays in sync.

Readers and

Some days, simpler is better. That was the original premise, too, Really Simple Syndication, RSS.

Books — are now available in Austin, at Nature’s Treasures. See listings for details and location.

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