Thinking on Paper

Thinking on Paper
Late valentine quote, “If feelings are difficult then outsource them.”


When did the British start weeping?

Price increase?
Really, I hate to do this. However, gas has gone up. Everything is going up. Deal is a new subscription to the weekly scopes — with access to all the bonus material — that’s going up to $4.95 per thirty days.

The good news is that all the current subscribers are grandfathered under the current price. No price increase for current, active subscribers.

Perhaps the teaser, $1.00 for the first month, then $4.95 a month after that. Several years ago, a regular subscriber suggested I was way too cheap, quality and quantity compared with price.

I have the choices, I can spend time researching and writing horoscopes, reading and answering subscriber e-mails or I can spend time messing around with subscription issues.

MicroBlog Post
If I bought a copy of Microsoft Office for the Mac, then I should get a free copy to run on a new Vista installation, too?
In old-school Internet naming conventions, the ending “” was reserved for United Kingdom addresses, only. I bought it before an overseas trip, unsure what I was going to do, and the address eventually morphed into a London-specific photo collage.

A year ago, wrapping up business, I caught this, probably on a phone, just tourist at coffee shop on Picadilly. Looking at tourists.

These are my books. I would be grateful if you buy one–or more. Even more grateful if read them. If you enjoy one and tell others, my appreciation would know no bounds.