Mechanical and Material Change

Subtitle: “I got to learn to take my own advice.”

There are two pieces of general advice I tender.

1. Follow Joy.
Do what makes you happy. I like writing, and astrology is a convenient language for me to work with. I favor the weekly horoscope because I can be silly or serious, and I can focus long enough to get it done. In a perfect world, it’s all I would do. It’s a challenge to invent new ways to express the energy present in an astrology chart. The art of interpretation. Some days are better than others.

2. Lazy Way.
Find the easiest way to get from whatever the starting point is to whatever the finishing point is. Simplest. Least difficult. Path of least resistance.

Combine those two, this next year, the starting Monday, the Monday Morning Astrology Minute, which I’d like to adroitly think of as a minuet, that stays. It’s fun, for me, for the time being. Get to do location shots.


I learned about green screen, and then gave up that idea. Still, I like it. A few people have problems with the video, so it will still be available as an audio format, mp3. However, I doubt I’ll split that into a Monday/Tuesday release. Just package it all up for Monday morning, at a more leisurely pace, like, shoot for 11 AM, instead of six freaking o’clock.

The only problem for some is it is still available only as a subscription.

Learning, the process, living, it should be fun and easy. I aim to make it all that way.

Hint: at least once a month, I wander far afield, way off the beaten track. I never claimed to be right all the time.