In the Can

Another year, in the can. December is done. Year over-view, completed. Before Mercury got completely off-center, I even got a start on January.

There’s a sense of accomplishment, knowing that this year is done. Got a running start on January. Looking forward to it.

The scariest part of my job? I set up 52 pages for next year. All blank. At the top, is a header, “Fishing Guide to the Stars.” The start date. 12 signs. Nothing else.

That yearly overview is good, as it helps me remember where it is, and certain patterns do emerge, trends, flavors, the way I like to see it. I started the over-view as over-long introduction, but also as a place holder that I could refer to, just to get a snapshot of what the year ahead holds.

Some of this December is so not my best work. Serviceable, on schedule, correct, just not always the best.

Still, it is done.