El Paso time

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Astrology Charts, Readings & Horoscopes:
Live one weekend only, El Paso:

Drive By Truckers:
“Shut Up and Get on the Plane”

When it comes your time to go, ain’t no good way to go about it
Ain’t no use in thinking bout it
You’ll just drive yourself insane
There comes a time for everything
And the time has come for you to shut your mouth and get your ass on the plane

Waterloo & City Line.

Grace the psychic lady.

Silly Season:
When Kay Baily (Sen.) (R) announced her gubernatorial run, against Rick (Good Hair) Perry (R), she had some motto that strikes squarely at Perry’s reign. To fight back, he was issuing “Baily Bail Out Bucks,” bail-out money with her face on it. More reasoned updates are probably over here. The best part? That was just the first official day of the race. This will get ugly and there will be mud. Epic proportions. You don’t have to be Texan to appreciate a blood sport like this. 49 states, and two countries, ya’ll can just watch. Enjoy.

I voted for Kinky last time, and I’d probably go that way again. But I can’t wait. This first round is shaping nicely, and that’s just the two Republicans. I admire the rhetoric, mud and blood.

“He’s been in office too long,” and “She’s been in Washington too long,” stay tuned – they haven’t begun to fight. This is the just the beginning.

Apple’s Big Cats:
Get your Mac OS Snow Leopard here!

Exploding iPhones:
Maybe if it’s been in microwave oven? I think if the phone was going to explode, I had almost all of Sonic Youth’s canon on my phone, next to some punk-country, next to some Hair Metal. If “end of the world” opera and sex pistols won’t kill it?