New truck

When I stay with Grace and Bubba in El Paso, I have a really sweet deal. Room and board wherein room is their travel trailer, parked by the side, and I get the place to myself. I’ve tried to pitch in, but they tend to insist on paying for everything, and I must admit, I like being treated like royalty. So Friday, when I grabbed one of the trucks, actually an SUV, to drive up to Las Cruces for work, I picked the truck with the empty tank. First stop was gasoline. I’m a nice guy. They make an effort to do everything for me so I filled the tank on that baby. $51.41, total.

I’ve already made Las Cruces notes. But while I was still doing readings, I missed a call on my cell. I called back between clients, Grace told me to “Hurry home, only, take the Sunland Park exit…”

They were at the car dealership. They called again, while I was headed south, checking on my progress. Never usually worried about me or my whereabouts, seemed a bit odd.

I tend to drive conservatively, despite my reputation.

I rolled into the dealership late in the evening, they swarmed out the truck, jabbering. Sales guy drove the old truck away and replaced it with a shiny, new (something) SUV with all kinds of things. Shiny, black, leather interior, iPod hookup, and so on and so on….

I hit the salesman up. I want my $50 in gas back.

“Get a hose and siphon.”