July Fourth

July Fourth In my world, there is a fairly common bumper sticker, in a variety of forms, but the lettering tends to be the same, “Everyone gave some, some gave all,” with a reciprocal refrain, call and response, “Freedom isn’t free.” While everyone else was using the holiday as an excuse to consume too much July Fourth

Dream Sequence

“Sandy Springfield” came out of a dream sequence before the show. The first cursory search turned up a “Guiding Light” character, now no longer. Guiding Light Healing Arts Festival and Market, this coming weekend, San Antonio, TX. Interesting, this is deep roots, same exit as the bookstore, from the beginning of the double aughts. Been Dream Sequence

Hunter Thompson on Audio

Hunter Thompson on Audio Animated short, now. Quote, “When the strange music starts” is used here – intro for that week.