Horoscopes for Libra 2022

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Horoscopes for Libra 2022

My duty then shall pay me for my pains.

Helen in Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well (2.1.111)

Horoscopes for Libra 2022

The Sun enters the Tropical Zodiac Sign of Libra (the Scales) on 9/23/2022. And furthermore?
Retrograde Mercury conjoins the Sun 9/23
Retrograde Mercury enters Virgo 9/24
New Moon in Libra 9/26 at 3° Libra
Venus enters Libra 9/29
Mercury turns direct 10/1 at 24° Virgo
The Full Moon is 10/10 at 17° Libra/Aries
Jupiter retrogrades back to 0° Aries 10/18
Venus enters Scorpio 10/23
The Sun enters Scorpio 10/23/2022

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