A Safe House

Hardy Boys

A Safe House (A Stone Barrington Novel Book 61)

A Safe House

I’m reminded of a scene, from my own life, years ago. More than two decades past? In the hotel restaurant of note, in old Ft. Davis, TX, under a sign that said, I think, “Gentlemen will remove hats in the dining room,” a large lad was seated, pressed white shirt, and to impress his date, also made up, the guy had on a large, new-looking cowboy hat, cf., Taurus.

There’s a level of escapism that I turn to in a typical novel like this, but with an opening scenario that includes a feral Texas Republican senator? Too soon?

“Do you know who I am?”

(gate agent calls the cops)

With the ongoing SCOTUS discussion, as much as I would like to suggest no senator from Texas would be that mean, vile, and rapacious? Yeah, current events are eerily similar to fiction.

Thoroughly enjoyable, and even fun, to see a ugly — shockingly realistic — fiction about politics. Too bad fiction has such unlikely endings where the good guys always win, and the morally aggrieved triumph.

A Safe House

A Safe House (A Stone Barrington Novel Book 61)
