Time Travel

Time Travel

It’s an older post, originally dated from November, 1998, but I suspect, yeah, call it 20 years ago. It looks more like Austin, 1999, so that would place it in fall of 1999. Not sure why it has an original date of 1998.

Couple of interesting points, Ruta Maya is no longer at that location, and the Ruta Maya branded coffee is now available in grocery stores and even through retail giant Costco.

At that time, life was so much simpler. I carried a debit card, a credit card, and and three or four “frequent flyer” cards for coffee shops. I think I had three different places I would stop, depending on day, time, and my pedestrian routes. No Starbucks, back then.

Maudie’s and Magnolia, Jo’s? Think they have survived.

Not sure, there was location, the old center adjacent to Maudie’s Too, but I’m sure there’s been much hue and cry in the face of wanton and rampant growth in what was old Austin.

“They paved paradise…”

Isn’t that how the song went?

Herein is the problem: progress and ramen noddles.


Pink Cake: The Quote Collection – Kramer Wetzel

Pink Cake


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