Throw-Back Thursday

Throw-Back Thursday

Holiday theme, Throw-Back Thursday:


Sister’s Welcome Sign

Details, the software suggested, the EXIF embedded data, suggested it was from 2001, so, first guess is Xmas, 2001. Next guess is Oakland Airport, as that’s where Sister had us fly into, never mind it was a way better spot to land and still part of the West Coast flight patterns, in my mind. I’d rarther fly there than SFO. But I’m not in charge of the details, not these days, and I spend more Xmas in Austin than on the Left Coast.

Not that there’s much difference between Austin and the Left Coast, price-wise, now. Only discernible differences? Austin’s way hotter in the summer months, and Austin is much closer to really good breakfast tacos, in San Antonio.

I’m unsure of the hat in the image, as it’s a grainy , probably from phone or even an earlier digital image device, or perhaps it is a scan. I’m not sure. However, as an image that’s at least 14 years old, it’s perfect. The hat, I can’t tell, looks older, but it the detail isn’t clear enough. Might be the precursor to the current brim.

I could, in a pinch, ask Sister for a date and data verification. However, in my family? Truth is a highly subjective and mutable element, suitable to be bent and modified as the situation requires.

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