

Reading, late at night, I stumbled across a web page, with archives that go back to the early 2000’s, then another one that stretched as far as the middle of the “Double-Aughts.”

My dates? I think this is stitched in the regular bio,

1987, 1993, 1994, 1995, then 1998.

The first horoscope was 1987, the regular monthly was 1993, the regular website was 1994, and the weekly was 1995. I’ve been writing horoscopes, for consumption, weekly, nonstop, since 1995. 20 years.

I’ve had a blog, né “web-journal,” in one location or another, since 1998.

The weekly column’s 20th birthday passed, and I forgot to flag it. Those are my chops.

Overnight Sensation

Overnight Sensation

Forgot about the help file.


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