This week’s horoscopes are available!

The New HOROSCOPES are available now!

Chilling, Relaxing, Rewinding

Chill, in the original sense of the word, as I left for the coast (Texas Gulf Coast) under a hot December afternoon, shorts, sandals and Hawaiian shirt only to greet 36 degree weather the next morning.

No problem. The equipment shift for the sites:,,, and even, all went through with no hitch, even though the Bexar County Line site did present a few broken links I’ve since fixed with global values. More than five years of a picture a day, yes, that one was a challenge.

I’ve used an “out-of-the-box” subscription plug-in for three years now. Never liked it, but it was the “the best,” according to some. While it wasn’t intentional, I took the opportunity to change out some backend stuff.

As noted elsewhere, some buddies were fishing. Not me. Too cold.

I eventually wound up typing a couple of hundred names, as the spreadsheet had first and last name in a single column, while the rest of the data was properly tab-sorted. After three days of messing with ineffectual tech-support for the original software, I just bought some new stuff. See if it works.

Everyone gets a free ride, but everyone needs a new password. See how the hardware stands up to that — couple of hundred password resets.

You got a reading from me before.

Now’s the time to get caught up on what next year will be like, and do this before Mercury is Retrograde

Reruns for the New Year:
Uranus square Pluto and Saturn in Scorpio.