Retail and Advertising

Succinct summation of several points.

A reader asked why I had a Full Sail ad on the front page of — I didn’t. Google AdSense. I make a few pennies for each ad that gets clicked. Frequently, the ads are for horoscopes, with buzz words like, “Free,” and a favorite lie, “Shockingly Accurate!”

The way it is setup? That banner ad only runs on the front page, click down one layer, and the ad goes away. Side bar stays the same, but those are mostly my books and my websites, and frankly,,, and soon to be, are all labors of love — the weight of the production being the burden.

Besides, the traffic pattern is 90% of the site’s traffic doesn’t make it passed the first page. Looking for free, I have no problem serving them an ad for “competition.”

Once again, I was heartened by The Brooks Review and its insight.