Boise Flower Plus One

Boise, ID: Texas shares a border with Mexico, over a 1,000 miles of combined Rio Bravo, Rio Grande division. Idaho has – wait – it’s possibly the only other state with a distinctive shape. Was part of Texas at one time, but not now. Idaho shares a northern border with Canada – pretty cool.

From a state with a southern border to a state with a northern border and back.

Idaho is pretty big, too, right? Size-wise, Texas, Alaska, the peoples republic of California? Then who’s next? Idaho has to be up there, I’m guessing. Wyoming, Montana, Idaho.

The arctic circle joke was not well received – the Canadian border, that’s, like 40 miles south of the north pole?

Geography joke.

Limits of hardware…

Hardware: iPhone
Location: Capital Ave, Boise, ID.

(cure for the common horoscope)