I can see for miles and miles

|Your site continues to hit the
|SQL query limit of 75,000
|queries per hour due to the
|amount of traffic you are receiving.

So much for unlimited. Always knew there was something in the fine print. Still, the tech had a solution, further down the note, and now, the site is being served faster with less overhead.


Did I mention Mercury is Retrograde?

(find more at astrofish.net/book)

Marcus Aurelius:
Available here, interesting the way I looked at the beginning of Book 12….

All the blessings which you pray to obtain hereafter could be yours today, if you did not deny them to yourself….

Should be in Pink Cake.

More Mercurial Notes:
I worked on Cera Jane’s two subsidiary sites, then Grace’s re-vamped site, and Bubba’s place-holder.

That’s 4 sites in one day. Took part of Friday, part of Sunday night, and some extra time Monday morning.

“But Mercury is retrograde!”

Correct. Allow for errors. One database wasn’t responding like it should, another had a permission problem, and the whole ordeal of transferring domain names to a different host?

Good thing I know what I’m doing.