since 1973

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I’m still at a loss to explain the magic of a place like Fran’s. Dan’s, two locations in South Austin, I’ve been familiar with them, one with the archetype sculpture/artwork/sign, a mainstay for decades on the South Congress corridor. Still not as emblematic and not as catching, for me, as that Fran’s sign.

Simple shape, color or hue? Height? Or the memories buried within.

Bag of burgers from Fran’s. Contains happiness. In part, I suppose, it’s the bucket of ice cold coke. The dive-like fries, greasy, but not greasy. The burgers. The flavor of ‘charcoal grill’ griddle-style.

I’m also very partial to What-a-Burger. There’s one down the street from that Fran’s. However, in the face-off? Fran’s wins. Big chain or little chain? I like the individual places, like Fran’s. Although, it’s very close as a What-a-Burger started in Corpus Christi, TX.

As I’ve remarked before, The older I get, the better I was.

Tax day free astrology tax advice.

One Up:
In a recent exchange of letters, I was beaten.

On Apr 14, 2010, at 4:20 PM, (Virgo) wrote:
my friend…like my humour
like i take my coffee – dark & bitter….

& when it comes to men? Also
how I like my coffee – ground up & in my freezer.