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It’s in front of Santa Cristos Hospital. Behind Mi Tierra and the Alameda Museum.

I can’t recall the occasion, reason for the visit, or what I found attractive about the image. Looking a second time, there was something in the sign rent asunder, or viewed askew, or perhaps the texture of the wood, then the sign, hanging.

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Hint: fun internet marketing tricks.

There’s always a full month’s subscription to the horoscopes, too.

Mopping Mercury Retrograde:
I was in a coffee shop. Not that it matters, some people hang out in bars, some hang out in pool halls, I tend to favor places that sell little cups of coffee that are made expressly for me (espresso).

One of the little girls working (Virgo), she was mopping the floor. I pulled my feet up and parked my boots on the coffee table. She continued to mop with a well-worn sigh.

We made polite chatter. She mopped under where my feet should be, then moved the “Peligroso Mojado” (danger – wet) sign. She mopped in front of the entrance.

Two customers entered, tracked soot, city dirt and dust right through the fresh mopped area. The little Virgo let out an epic sigh, rolled her brown eyes, and mopped again.

“Some people….”

Mercury is no longer retrograde but there’s a problem, and it’s like that dutiful Virgo, constantly mopping up what’s been done before.

Sigh that epic sigh and mop it once more.