
I was looking through the “daily image portal,” and I came across this site, which included as part of the “about” text:

“This site is about the image and sights of New Orleans, the most unique city in the U.S.”

Made me chuckle, in a good way.

See, Austin prides itself on its weirdness quotient. The mantra is, “Keep Austin Weird,” and I should know, right?

Then there’s the southern cousin to Austin, San Antonio. Just as weird. Maybe weirder than Austin, but in San Antonio? No one cares. Probably a lot weirder than Austin, just no one minds. The mantra down in SA?

Keep San Antonio Lame

Seems to be doing a good job of it.

In conclusion:
It’s not matter of whether one city is weirder, or more unique, or stranger, or not stranger than another. It’s the people and how those natives perceive themselves.

Then, too, there’s just an inherent happiness. It’s a matter of being comfortable, and comfortable with one’s self, and by extension, then, allowing the little eccentricities to show through the damaged veneer.

It’s all about “home” and how one defines where that is, and how one likes where that is. Me?